Mike Musty
I am currently working at Faraday https://faraday.ai/ where I work on research, development, and implementation of new product features. Before that I was working as a mathematician at a government lab. Before that I had a visiting postdoc position at ICERM https://icerm.brown.edu/.
Consider the fictional solar company Acme Inc. Prospective solar panel owners schedule appointments for an Acme Inc. sales representative to visit their home and help sell them solar panels. In addition to sales rep availability and location data, suppose that Acme Inc. also has the ability to predict the expected value of each appointment as a function of the lead (potential solar panel owner) and sales rep.
How should Acme Inc. assign sales reps to leads to maximize the sum of expected values over all appointments? This talk is concerned with finding an optimal assignment of sales reps to leads using integer programming tools implemented in or-tools